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 Prayer  Question No.1. Which way the does poet implore his Lord to lead him  to? Ans. The poet implores his Lord to lead him to the way of truth. He also prays God to remove all his doubts and darkness of ignorance. Question NO.2. Name the blessings that the poet prays for? Ans. The poet prays for the path of truth. He prays for the nectar of knowledge. He also prays that his heart is surcharged with passion, zest, and hope. Above all, he implores his Lord to save him from sloth and infirmity. Question No.3. What is it that the poet wants to sing? Ans. The poet wants to sing those songs which will infuse life even into the dead and will inspire people to come under the same umbrage of love The poet wants to sing beautiful songs of love and brotherhood. He wants to motivate people to remove bitterness against each other. Question No.4. “Subject me not to the trials, shame not my human form”, explain? Ans. The poet shows his humble submission before his Lord....

Metal and Non Metals

Metal and Non Metal

Element: An Element id the substance which is made up of entirely one kind of atoms. For example hydrogen, helium etc.
Metals: Metals are those elements which lose their electron to gain positive charge. for example Sodium (Na), Potassium (K) etc.

Non Metals: These are those elements which gain the the electron to attain the negative charge. For example Neon (Ne) Argon (Ar)

Physical properties of the Metals: 

The following are the physical properties of metal :
  1. Malleability: The property of the metals due to which they can be beaten into the sheets is called as the malleability. Most the metals are malleable in the nature. Gold (Au) is the most Malleable element.

2. Ductility: The property of the metals due to which they can be drawn into the wires is called as the Ductility. Most the metals are ductile in the nature. Gold (Au) is also  the most ductile

3. Sonorous: It is the property of metals due to which they produce ringing sound. Usually Metals produce ringing sound when being hit.
4. Lusterious: It is the property of metals due to which they have shiny surface. Usually most of the  metals  have shiny surface.

5. Metals are a good conductor of electricity which means that they can conduct electricity due to the free moving electrons present in them. Copper is used as wiring as it is a good conductor of electricity.
6. Metals have high melting points and high boiling points as they have strong metallic bonds.
7. Metals are hard, they can’t be broken easily and require a lot of energy and strength to break.  Iron is used to make cars, buildings, ships, etc.
8. Metals weigh a lot as they have a high density. Metals are heavy for their size.
9. They don’t have flexibility and have tensile strength. Metals can’t be stretched.

Difference between metals and non metals based on the physical properties.

Chemical Properties of the Metals: 

1.       Reaction of metals with Oxygen: 

     Metals react with oxygen to form metals oxides which are basic in nature.

Reaction of Metals with Oxygen
 Magnesium metals does not react with oxygen at room temperature  but on heating magnesium burns in air giving intense heat and light to form basic oxide called as magnesium oxide.

2. Reaction of Metals with acids: 
Metals React with acid to form metal salt and hydrogen gas.

Note: Metals displace hydrogen from dilute acids

Reaction of metals with Water: 
Metals React with to form metal hydroxide and hydrogen gas.

Reaction of the metals with water
Note: Magnesium metals does not react with cold water. However it reacats with hot water to form magnesium hydroxide.

  1.      1.    Reaction of Non metal with water:  

    Non metals do not react with water (or steam) to evolve hydrogen gas. This is because non-metals cannot give electrons to reduce the hydrogen ions of water into hydrogen gas.
     2.   Reaction of Non-Metals with Dilute Acids:- Non- metals do not react with dilute acids. In other words non-metals do not displace hydrogen from acids.
     3.   Reaction of Non-Metals with salt solutions:-  A more reactive non-metal displaces a less reactive non-metal from its salt solution

     4.   Reaction of Non-metals with Chlorine: - Non-Metals react with Chlorine to form covalent chlorides which are non-electrolytes.

    5.   Reaction of Non-Metals with hydrogen: - Non-Metals react with hydrogen to from covalent hydrides.

 Difference between Metals and Non metals based on the chemical properties

Difference between metals ans Non metals Based on the chemical properties

Ionic Compounds 
 Reaction of Metal with Non-Metal or ionic compounds: -

The Compounds formed by the transfer of electrons from a metal to a non- metal are known as ionic compounds or electrovalent compounds. Ionic compounds have strong electrostatic force of attraction between the positive and negative charge.
   Properties of Ionic compounds:-
     1.   Ionic compounds are solids, hard and brittle.
   2.   Ionic compounds have closed packed structures.
   3.   Ionic or electrovalent compounds are soluble in water because they form ions in aqueous solution.
   4.   Ionic compounds are insoluble in organic solvents like alcohol, acetone.
   5.   Ionic compounds conduct electricity in molten state and in aqueous solution because ions carry current.
   6.   They do not conduct electricity in solid state because ions are not free to move.
   7.   Ionic compounds have high melting and boiling points. It is because of strong force of attraction between oppositely charged ions; therefore, high energy is required to break the metallic bonds between ions.
Minerals:- The elements or compounds which occur naturally in the earth’s crust are known as minerals.
 Ores:- Minerals contain a very high percentage of a particular metal and the metal can be profitably extracted from it. These mineral are called ores.
Alloys: - An alloy is a homogeneous mixture of two or more metals, or a metal and a non- metal.
     Alloys                                              Constituents
         Brass                                                Copper, Zinc
         Bronze                                              Copper, Tin
         Steel                                                 Iron, Carbon
Gangue:-  The unwanted material, or impurities present in the ores are called gangue.
Enrichment of ore:- Ores minerals from the earth are, usually, contaminated with gangue. The removal of gangue, from the ore, is called enrichment of ore.
Uses of Non-Metals:
·       Non-metals used in fertilizers to enhance the growth of plants.
·       Liquid hydrogen is used as a rocket fuel.
·       Carbon is used for making the electrodes of electrolytic cells and dry cells.
·       Due to its inertness, nitrogen is used to preserve food materials.
·        Non-metals used in water purification process.
  Uses of Metals: -
·                      Copper and aluminium metals are used to make wires to carry electric current.
·                      Iron, Copper and aluminium metals are used to make house-hold utensils and factory equipments.
·                      Zinc is used for galvanizing iron to protect it from rusting.
·                      The liquid metal ‘mercury’ is used in making thermometers.
·                      Lead metal is used in making car batteries. 

Method of removing impurities

Electromagnetic Separation: -It is a process in which magnetic ore is separated from non-magnetic impurities with the help of electromagnets. The ore is crushed and electromagnets are brought here it which attracts the minerals particles leaving behind the gangue particles.
Chemical separation (leaching): - It makes uses of difference in the chemical properties of mineral and gangue. The ore is treated with suitable reagent which reacts with ore, but not with the gangue. The purified ore is regenerated be sequence reactions. An example of leaching is Balyer’s method of obtaining pure aluminium oxide from bauocite.
Froth-Flotation process: -In order to separate the gangue from the sulphide ores (like Zns, cuss) air is blown through the mixture of ore, water and oil. Metal sulphide come on the top with froth and gangue settles down at the bottom.
Hydraulic washing (washing with water): -This method involves the process of washing with water. It is basically based on the difference in the densities of gangue and ore.

Thermite process (aluminothermy): - It is a process in which molten metal oxide are treated with aluminium power. It is highly exothermic reaction.

Extraction of Metal
Metals low in the activity series: -Metals low in the activity series are very non-reactive. The oxides of these metals can be reduced to metals by heating alone. Metals such as Mercury, Copper etc can be extracted by this method 
Metals in the middle of the activity series: - The metals in the middle of the activity series are moderately reactive. These, usually, present as sulphides or carbonates in nature. They are first converted to metal oxides and then in the next step the metal oxides are reduced to metal.
Metals such as Zinc, Iron, Tin etc can be extracted by this method 

Metals belonging to the high reactivity series:-

The metals which belong to the high reactivity series arte extracted by electrolytic reduction of their molten chlorides or or oxides. Metals such as Potassium, sodium, calcium aluminum etc can be extracted by this method (Electrolytic Reduction) 

Calcination: It the process in which carbonated ore is strongly heated in absence of air to convert into metals oxide.

Raosting : It is the process in which a carbonate ore is heated strongly in presence of air to convert into the metals oxide.

Electrolytic Refining of the Metals

Many metals, such as copper, Zinc, Tin, Nickel, Silver, Gold etc. are refined electrolytically in this process, the impure metal is made the anode and a thin strip of pure metal is made the cathode. A solution of the metal salt is used as an electrolyte. The apparatus is set up. 

On passing current through the electrolyte, impure metal from anode dissolve into the electrolyte. An equivalent amount of pure metal from the electrolyte is deposited on the cathode. Soluble impurities go into the solution, whereas the insoluble impurities settle down at the bottom of the anode as anode mud

Difference between ionic COMPOUNDS And Covalent compounds.

Ionic compounds
Covalent compounds
Ionic compounds contain the ionic bonds
They contain covalent bonds
There is either loss or gain of electrons
There is sharing of electrons
They conduct electricity
They cannot conduct electricity
They have high melting and boiling points
 They have low boiling and melting points
They are soluble in water
They are insoluble in water

Anodizing : Anodizing is a process of forming thick oxide layer of aluminium or aluminium particles.
Roasting: It is a process in which ore is heated in the presence of air so as to obtain metal oxides, which can be reduced easily to get free metal, sulphur ores are converted into oxides by roasting them in air.
Calcination: It is a process of heating ore is absence of air so as to remove moisture and volatile impurities.
Cinnabar: A bright red naturally occurring form of mercury (II) sulphide (HgS) is chief are mercury
Note some of the content is still under process
written by PITE Xpert

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