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 Prayer  Question No.1. Which way the does poet implore his Lord to lead him  to? Ans. The poet implores his Lord to lead him to the way of truth. He also prays God to remove all his doubts and darkness of ignorance. Question NO.2. Name the blessings that the poet prays for? Ans. The poet prays for the path of truth. He prays for the nectar of knowledge. He also prays that his heart is surcharged with passion, zest, and hope. Above all, he implores his Lord to save him from sloth and infirmity. Question No.3. What is it that the poet wants to sing? Ans. The poet wants to sing those songs which will infuse life even into the dead and will inspire people to come under the same umbrage of love The poet wants to sing beautiful songs of love and brotherhood. He wants to motivate people to remove bitterness against each other. Question No.4. “Subject me not to the trials, shame not my human form”, explain? Ans. The poet shows his humble submission before his Lord....

Foot Print without Feet

                         Foot Prints without FEET

Q.1.  How would you access Griffin as scientist?

Griffin was a brilliant scientist, but he was not a true scientist. He discovered certain rare drug which could make human body invisible. He misused his discovery many times. Thus he was a lawless and selfish scientist. He seems to enjoy the feeling of power which he gets out of his invisibility. The power to hurt anybody without getting noticed can give sadistic pleasure to some people like Griffin.

Q.2. The two boys in the London Store were surprised and fascinated. Why?

 The two boys in London were surprised and fascinated because they have noticed fresh muddy barefooted imprints on steps of the house. The foot marks werevisible  butthey could see no man there.They began to chase the foot prints. The footprints become fainter and fainter and at last disappeared altogether.

Q.3. What did he do inside the Shop?

Griffin went inside the shop and broke the boxes and open the wrappers. He took some warm clothes and wore them around his body. He took coffee, drank wine and ate cold meat inside the shop. Finally, he slept on the pile of quilts.

Q. 4. How did he escape from the London Store?

Griffin Was not ableto wake up  before the storewas opened. When two attendants of the store saw Griffin, they chased him. Hence, in order to protect himself, he threw away his clothes one by one and became invisible and escaped from the London store.




Q.5  Griffin entered the theatrical company. What did he do there?

He wore a long coat, bandages, to cover his face and neck, a wide brimmed hat, false whiskers and nose and dark glasses. He became fully visible. At last he attacked the shopkeeper from behind and robbed  him all the money he had.

Q.6.Why was the arrival of the stranger in the village inn an unusual event? Give two reasons.

The arrival of the stranger in village inn was an unusual event due to following reasons:

i)                 The stranger had come to the village inn in winter, when nobody ever comes there.

ii)              His appearance was unusual . He wore bandages round the forehead, dark glasses along with big bushy whiskers. Thus the stranger's arrival was an unusual event.

Q.7. How did scientist look when he came to the inn?

His appearance was unusual . He wore bandages round the forehead, dark glasses along with big bushy whiskers. He looked quite strange and unusual .

Q.8. The landlord's wife was convinced that Griffin Wasan "eccentric scientist" what made her think of Griffin in these terms.

Mrs. Hall found the scientist eccentric because of his strange appearance and also when she tried to be friendly with him, he rebuffed her by saying that he had come there for solitude and did not wish to be disturbed in his work.

Q.9. What was the curious episode that took place in the clergyman’s study?

A clergyman and his wife were awakened by some strange noises in the study very early in the morning. Creeping downstairs they heard the chink of money being taken from the clergyman’s desk. He and his wife looked under the desk and behind the curtains and even up the chimney but they found nobody there. Although the desk was open and the housekeeping money was missing.






Q.10. The land lord and is wife were surprised to see the scientists door wide open. Why were they surprised? What three extraordinary things that took place in the room where Griffin was staying.
The landlord  and his wife were surprised to the see the door wide open. He and his wife looked under the desk and behind the curtains and even up the chimney but they found nobody there. Although the desk was open and the housekeeping money was missing. Few extraordinary occurred in the room:

a) Without seeing anybody Mrs. Hall heard a sniff close to her ear.

b) A hat leapt up and struck her face.

c) A chair rose up in the air and pushed her out of the room

Q11:- Mrs Hall almost fell down the stairs in hysterics. Pick out an example of humour from what follows this incident?

Ans: Mrs Hall was in Griffin’s room. A hat leapt up and dashed into her face, then the bedroom chair became alive and rose up in the air and pushed both of them out of room.Mrs Hall thought her mother’s spirit had entered the chair. But we know it was Griffin who was doing all that.

Q12:- The scientist was furious. What did he do in anger? Why were the people in the bar horrified?

Ans: The scientist threw off his bandages. He removed his whiskers, glasses and false nose. Now, he looked a headless person. When the people in bar saw him, they were horrified to see a headless person in front of them.

Q13:- What happened to the constable?

Ans: Mr. Jaffers, the constable tried to catch the scientist. The scientist took off his clothes one by one. He became invisible. He began to hit the constable. The constable began to receive the blows which seem to come from nowhere. Finally the constable Jaffer was hit and he  fell down unconscious.

Q14:- The scientist was a man of “irritable temper”. Give an example to prove this.

Ans: The scientist was a man of “ irritable temper”.When  Mrs Hall tried to be friendly with him but he refused her to talk and told her that he had come there only for solitude and he should not be disturbed. When his land lord tried to turn him out, he set fire to the house in revenge.

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